Robert Sorenson For Sheriff 2022
Hello my name is Clare Severn and I worked at the Cass County Sheriff’s Office in the role of dispatcher from 2004 until leaving in 2013.
I worked alongside Robert Sorenson for many years. He came to work with a positive, team player attitude. He is knowledgeable about the profession he has chosen as well as the needs of Cass County residents. I recall he handled the calls assigned to him competently and with courtesy. He was eager to assist the citizens as a deputy which I have no doubt he will continue to do as your sheriff.
I believe Robert Sorenson is the right candidate for Cass County Sheriff because he is forward thinking; wanting to bring new leadership and new direction to Cass County that is much needed.
In my opinion Robert will serve the citizens and deputies of CCSO with integrity and a fairness.
Clare Severn