Robert Sorenson For Sheriff 2022
My name is Nick Prososki. I have been a Law Enforcement Officer in the state of Nebraska for almost 12 years now. I have been in the US Army reserves for 16 years. The first 5 of my LEO years was working with the Cass County Sheriff's Office. I was afforded some good opportunities there which have helped me greatly in my career. Prior to leaving I helped in contract negations with the FOP. When I left I knew that the CCSO now had all of the makings to be a GREAT department, it was just missing one thing, a leader. The CCSO has been missing this factor for quite some time which accounts for a large portion of their turnover. While working for the CCSO I also had the privilege to meet some amazing people. One of those was Robert Sorenson. Bob has a passion for law enforcement and the people he serves. Bob is selfless and will drop everything to assist anyone. The CCSO has all the tools to be great and Robert Sorenson has the heart and ethics to use those tools to raise that department to grandeur.
With over a decade of experience in management and leadership roles in public service I have seen many good leaders as well as bad ones. I full heartedly believe that Robert Sorenson will be a phenomenal leader.
-Nick Prososki