Robert Sorenson For Sheriff 2022
It is my pleasure to strongly recommend and endorse Robert Sorenson for the position of Sheriff for Cass County Nebraska
I am Deb Thiessen. I am a past employee of the Cass County Sheriff's Office. The position I held was dispatcher/Communications Supervisor. I was with the Cass County Sheriff's Office 32 years from August 22, 1984 to August 14, 2016. I retired from the Sheriff's Office in August of 2016. In June of 2003 I met Robert when he came to work at the Sheriff's Office. Robert was hired and got his certification and he worked in the Jail, did Court Security and Transports, and helped out on the road when needed. In 2007 Robert went to work for the Plattsmouth Police Department. So I worked with Robert for 13 years until my retirement in 2016. During our time together Robert displayed great character traits. He is friendly, honest, loyal, trustworthy, dependable, and open-minded. Robert is also well respected in the community and also with the other Plattsmouth Police officers and Cass County deputies that he works with as well as all the other law enforcement agencies that he has come in contact with over the years. I knew that if I sent Robert on a call for service no matter how serious it was that the people he was helping were in good hands.
In January of 2020 Robert announced that he would be running for Cass County Sheriff. Since his announcement I had been following what he was doing on social media. Robert has been visiting all the towns and village boards in Cass County. Robert has also attended countless events like fire department fundraisers, Limestone Days, Greenwood Days, Pillage the Village in Manley, the Cass County Fair, and numerous parades. I was so glad to see that Robert was getting out in the entire county and talking to the people.
I've always known Robert to be a humble servant. In 2010 Robert joined the Nehawka Volunteer Fire Department where he has held the positions of past president and Fire Captain. Robert is the vice president of the Plattsmouth Lions Club. Robert is also the current mayor of Nehawka.
Robert has been a Teammates Mentor for over 6 years. The mentoring program is when you have a child who he regularly meets with. Robert and the child do things together. Robert attends some of that child's activities and tries to support them in whatever way they need. Robert keeps an open line of communication with them and supports them in whatever way that they need and they can depend on advice, accountability, and encouragement from Robert. Robert is a positive role model that helps the kids grow up to have happy, healthy, and successful lives.
But it is time for a change within the Sheriff's Office and I hope that people will listen to former Cass County Employee's like myself. During my years of service there, and remember I was there 32 years, there was a tremendous amount of employee turnover. There were new deputies hired and they basically used the Sheriff's Office as a stepping stone to go to other law enforcement agencies once they were certified. I did hear a lot of why some of the deputies left and besides better pay the lack of leadership and honesty and fairness within the administrative staff played a large part in why they left.
The way to stop this, get the morale back up at the Sheriff's Office, and to help stop employee turnover is to elect Robert Sorenson as Cass County Sheriff. Electing Robert Sorenson will also benefit the citizens of Cass County. Robert has the experience needed to be a great Sheriff and his leadership sets him apart. Robert is the only candidate who can bring the change Cass County deserves. I support Robert with my whole heart to be Cass County Sheriff.
Deb Thiessen
Rural Plattsmouth, NE