Robert Sorenson For Sheriff 2022
My name is Daniel German and I have been a certified law enforcement officer in the state of Nebraska since 2006. Since that time, I have had the privilege of serving on multiple law enforcement agencies to include the Cass County Sheriff’s Office and the Bellevue Police Department. I was employed with the Cass County Sheriff’s Office as a certified Deputy between the years of 2005-2009. I currently hold the rank of Sergeant with the Bellevue Police Department.
During my tenure at the Cass County Sheriff’s Office, I had the privilege to work alongside Robert Sorenson. Mr. Sorenson was a Deputy with the Cass County Sheriff’s Office when I began my employment with the Sheriff’s Office and he would later move on to the Plattsmouth Police Department during my time at the Sheriff’s Office. I remember many positive qualities about Mr. Sorenson. A few that stand out to me above the rest include his professional demeanor, respectfulness towards everyone he encountered, his vast job knowledge and his ability to be a proven leader. Most would be hard pressed to find an individual that showed more compassion towards the subjects he dealt with on a daily basis as well as a Deputy/Officer that was a better resource to young and fellow officers than Mr. Sorenson. I know as a young Deputy, I was able to learn many great attributes from him that I still carry on with me in my Supervisory role today.
I have recently learned that Robert wants to serve the people of Cass County as their Sheriff. Being a former employee of the Cass County Sheriff’s Office, I am very excited for the employees of the Sheriff’s Office as well as all the people that reside in Cass County, Nebraska. Robert is an excellent candidate for this role and will without a doubt, be able to lead the agency going forward and take the department in a positive direction which has been needed for quite some time. Law enforcement in 2021 is completely different from law enforcement when I began my career in 2005. Robert is a progressive law enforcement officer and will prove to be an excellent leader for all the people of Cass County with his compassion towards others and his leadership abilities. I put complete faith and support behind Robert Sorenson for the position of Cass County Sheriff. The people and employees of Cass County will absolutely benefit from Mr. Sorenson and he will undoubtedly lead the department in a progressive direction to better serve all.
Daniel German