Robert Sorenson For Sheriff 2022

I will be someone you can trust. I’ll start by repairing the relationship between the Sheriff and our deputies. I will work to bring the entire public safety community in Cass County together to make our county a safe place to live and work, once again.
Under my leadership, the Sheriff’s Office will be focused on community-oriented policing and a proactive approach to crime reduction. Trained and engaged deputies will grow them into seasoned leaders in our community. Strong leadership from the Sheriff and each deputy will only nurture a healthier community.
We have had some of the finest, most highly trained and professional law enforcement officers in the country working in Cass County, but unfortunately many of those officers have moved to other law enforcement agencies and successful careers. We are in dire need of new leadership and new direction.
It's time for a change.
Coupling leadership and direction, I’ll evaluate and budget for proper certifications and training to focus on hiring talent who can grow to be community leaders. I will help identify strengths and weaknesses of individual officers to help them be successful and confident and subsequently reduce employee turnover.
Offering on site tactical training and workshops led by tenure employees will keep the budget low, but also allow the deputies the opportunity to learn. Required certifications will not lack, and by reducing the current high turnover rate we can recoup the budget dollars for additional materials and equipment.
Technological enhancements to investigate and focus on social media related to the safety of our youth will be reviewed and included in future budget demands.
Adding specialized training such as Autism risk and safety management training to help our staff in front-line situations and effectively be the first responders in all situations. I plan to emphasize a strengthened relationship with all Cass County schools.